Please ensure the following before logging in :

  • Look for the padlock symbol either in the address bar or the status bar (mostly in the address bar) but not within the web page display area. Verify the security certificate by clicking on the padlock.
  • The address bar has turned to green indicating that the site is secured with an SSL Certificate that meets the Extended Validation Standard.(Available in IE 7.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox 3.1 and above, Opera 9.5 and above, Safari 3.5 and above, Google chrome).

Please ensure the availability of following documentsĀ  :

  • TAG No
  • ID Proof [i.e. Voter ID Card, Adhar Card, Pan Card, Driving license, Passport, Farmer ID Card, BKKY Card, Farm ID Card, Land Infomation]
  • Make sure that you have a valid Email-ID
  • Make sure that you are havingĀ  Mobile No. for communication
  • Make sure that the land information belong to the SCO circle you are applying .
  • For inspection and registration ( 7008688856 Deepak Nayak )